Il MoMA cerca assistenti curatori museali

Scadenza: le selezioni partono il 17 marzo 2017 e continueranno fino a riempimento della posizione aperta.


Il 17 marzo 2017 il MoMA avvia le selezioni per assistenti architetti

Si cerca una figura professionale di ambito architettonico e design, da affiancare e assistere lo staff di curatori esperti, con cui collaborare in tutte le loro aree di competenza, incluse le acquisizioni di nuove opere, registrazioni bibliografiche e biografiche, catalogazione, ricerca per mostre e pubblicazioni ecc ecc. E’ naturalmente richiesta una buona conoscenza della lingua inglese, sia parlata sia scritta. Per maggiori info leggere l’annuncio sotto, così come riportato dal sito del MoMA.

Per candidarsi inviare il curriculum con lettera di presentazione scegliendo una delle seguenti opzioni:
e-mail: (opzione preferita)
fax: (212) 333-1107
Per posta ordinaria: The Museum of Modern Art
Il Dipartimento delle Risorse Umane
11 West 53 Street
New York, NY 10019
Se l’invio avviene via e-mail, si chiede di inviare curriculum e lettera di presentazione come un unico documento in formato PDF, entrambi naturalmente in lingua inglese.
A causa del volume elevato di candidati presso The Museum of Modern Art, il museo è in grado di contattare solo i candidati le cui competenze e di sfondo meglio si adattano alle esigenze delle posizioni aperte.

Qui il testo originale dell’annuncio.

Assists department’s senior architecture curatorial staff in all areas of their responsibilities, including acquisitions, collections records, bibliographic and biographical records and files, research for architecture exhibitions and publications, loans, and general curatorial inquiries. Performs work in relation to the care of the collection and arranges for custodial, registration, and preparation work as required in the maintenance of the collection in gallery, study, and storage areas. Performs research for exhibitions, including research on artists, periods, styles, etc.; on specific works; on locations of works; on photograph sources; etc. Assists in preparing catalogues and checklists. Coordinates and schedules work to be done, within the Museum and without, in such areas as conversation, photography, public information, matting and framing, construction, lighting, etc. Assists with the preparation and installation of wall labels. Conducts daily inspection of works on view in galleries and assists with necessary follow-up arrangements. Answers general inquiries and conducts some gallery tours as necessary for visitors and department-related groups. In addition to working on large-scale loan exhibitions, works closely with senior staff on collection-based exhibits from MoMA’s architecture collection, both for the 2019 reopening of the Museum and beyond. Reports to The Phillip Johnson Chief Curator of Architecture and Design and the department manager, and will work closely with assigned curators.

Requirements: Bachelor’s degree required, master’s degree preferred, ideally in architecture or art history. Some relevant work experience is also required, as is competence within area of departmental interest. Expertise in the history of modern architecture in a global perspective is preferred, but not required. A keen interest in the history of the display of architecture at MoMA and a curiosity to develop new models for their display strongly encouraged. Strong organizational skills and attention to detail are also essential. Working knowledge of MS Word, Excel, and other standard office procedures and equipment. Reading knowledge of one or more foreign languages.

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